
Solving mysteries..

Anyone wants to take a shot at identifying these varieties? I know some but not all. One of my runts is very prolific and has many tomatoes hanging (right side) but no clue which it is. Middle is Black Striped and  right is San Marzano.
 These I think is Purple Calabash and Mortgage Lifter but not guaranteed.
 Roma on the left, possible Black Krim in the middle and Brandywine on the right?  

 No clue which ones these are.  Possible San Marzano on the left.
 Speaking of mysteries, why are some of my onions look like scallions and some have bulbs?
 I harvested few onions for dinner this week but out of 200 planted i only have a handful with bulbs.


  1. Hi! Sorry I can't be of help with your tomato plants and I am new to growing onions too! Share what you find out! Nancy

    1. it will take a while for them to ripen but once they do i'll share more pictures :)

  2. I can't help with identifying the tomatoes either. Not until they are further along. I hope your mortgage lifter does better than mine. I've never had luck with them.

    Are all your onions the same type?

    1. Onions in the picture are the same variety, but I have sweet Wala, yellow for storage and red onions. Walas and reds are just starting to bulb but yellows are not even trying.

  3. I have several tomato mystery plants myself. I have no idea how I mis-labeled them. It happens every year! I think you'll have a better chance identifying them once they ripen.

    As for the onions, one never knows. Just wait and see

    1. It's a first year that onions have thrown me for a loop - never had any problems with them before. And will have to be patient with tomatoes. :)

  4. I have the same problem with my onions, one bed is bulbing, the other is not. Same onions, in fact the ones in the not-bulbing bed were planted two weeks before the bulbing ones. No idea what the difference is, except that the other plants in the bulbing onions bed were super leafy compared to their counterparts in the other bed. Maybe there was more nitrogen in that bed? If so that could be why the onions there are bulbed and the others are not. Just my best guess.
    The tomatoes are a mystery to me, though I think you're right on the Roma and Brandywine ones. The Brandywines are pretty distinctively shaped. The ones betw3een the Roma and brandywine in the picture could be Purple Cherokee, and the one below that looks a bit like the pouch-shape of Cuore di Bue (Oxheart). /shrug Just guessing on those though.

    1. The onions that I have are in the same bed which creates even more a puzzle why they're side by side but different size.

      For tomatoes you can see what varieties I planted here if you want to take a guess:
