
Weekend harvest - first potatoes!

Today was a weeding day at the garden, and I just had to clear out my small bed under the pine tree - it had all of our spring bulb flowers and 3 potatoes plants. So I yanked those potatoes to make space for squash and peppers and maybe some cucumbers later on. One plant area got too much manure this spring so it has scabber disease - not pretty but perfectly edible - on the right side of picture.
 And I picked alot of broccoli from my giant variety from old garden. There are still several smaller plants getting ready so maybe more will be picked next week.
 On the scale broccoli went over 1 lb and 4.5oz - will feed us for few days.
 Potatoes came to just over 3 lbs 1oz so not too bad for such early harvest. Peas at 4.8oz.


  1. Spuds and broccoli. Makings of a proper vegetarian meal there. :D

    1. cooked young potatoes with butter and dill and steamed broccoli with a side salad is on our menu list :)

    2. I remember when, V was on a dill kick. We bought a stick of it from the store. There was dill in everything. The gravy, the mash.... Good thing I like the flavor. :)

    3. I also like dill in many dishes and i'm growing quite a bit of it for later - I use it in canning, especially pickles. :)

  2. Excellent broccoli harvest! I wish I could grow good broccoli down here.

    1. It's finally producing properly, the first batch in spring was tiny because of the hot/cold/hot weather that really threw everything for a spin. hopefully fall harvest will be just as good as this.

  3. everything looks great! i wish i grew potatoes!

    1. I had to make space for them because i just love baby potatoes fresh from the ground taste :) Even if I didn't have a garden, i'd use a large pot or a trashbag to grow them.

  4. Your harvest looks good! Makes for yummy, healthy meals! Nancy

  5. Looking good, Jenny! I finally see a little broccoli button on one of my plants, so I hope I get a big one from it soon. Aren't those little potatoes delicious? I just can't leave mine alone to grow, I'm out there nearly every day digging around for baby potatoes for our dinner!

    1. It doesn't take them long at all to go from buttons to dinner plate!

    2. Those broccoli went from tiny blob to large in just few days! I was very surprised to see them this big! And I love my baby potatoes (though few of them are huge!) and wish I didn't have to pull them out, but had to make some room for more squash.

    3. Im happy to see the calabrese variety produces a ton of sizable side shoots. Cut a few of them and voila, another head for dinner. :)

  6. Great harvests Jenny! It makes me want to start digging around for new potatoes like Granny!

    1. @Jody, you just wait until Thursday's Cupboard and see how many new potatoes I've been cooking!

  7. Wow, that is a great harvest. I wish I had gotten that much broccoli from my garden!

    1. My regular broccoli had very small harvest earlier this spring. This is a giant variety so it produced large heads.
