
Mid-June around the garden

Taking quick look at the garden in mid-June and it's a jungle out there. Click on any pictures for details, starting with an aerial view from 2nd floor window - overall garden layout.
 Some pretty flowers - nasturtium and first yellow climbing rose in front of the garden.
 Yellow wax bush beans are actively in bloom and first blueberries are ripening
Peas are in overdrive so I'm picking them every two days. will need to freeze them. First eggplant is blooming; and on the right are my cucumbers, leeks yellow squash and acorn squash at the end.
This part turned into a jungle alley - will have to figure out how to manage it. left to right - tomatoes, onions, tomatoes and potatoes on the far right. What the hell was I thinking?? And I did give them space - 3 feet around each. Will need to do better support next year and maybe just plant in the middle of the bed to avoid this kind of a mess. At least potatoes will come out soon. Oy.
Black Zebra tomato formed on the left; and Cubanele pepper on the right.
Black Bradywine tomato and Roma on the right side
Looks like we're in for at least a week of sunshine and warmth so I really hope things will pick up in the garden and it will grow better. Need to plant more carrots and beans in those spaces that have been cleared from potatoes.


  1. LOL, you definitely do have a jungle out there! It looks good, though. I've been in overdrive planting more carrots and beans wherever I can find space for them.

    1. I'll try to prune some of it tomorrow since it will be dry and warm so hope it will be easier to walk around. And will do some massive weeding. And plant ALOT more carrots because the ones we have are nowhere near enough. I do have plenty of beans planted already - yellow and green bush beans, Blue Lake climbers and at least two dozen Fortex that are now all awake and have first set of leafs.

    2. I grow massive amounts of beans, because both of my dogs love them added to their dog food! I freeze them, and they do share with us. I think I used my last package of frozen beans from 2011 last week, unless there are some hiding in the bottom of the freezer. I have pulled nearly all of my carrots, and will actually have to buy some from the grocery store tomorrow, so I can cook a stew for dinner.

    3. I'm not sure if I should plant more beans because I don't know how the Blue Lake and Fortex will perform. I usually have about a dozen bush beans planted but this year I doubled that with climbing so I think it will be enough to freeze some. My freezer is tiny so have to be careful how much I grow. I might try canning them.

  2. Jenny, your garden does look lush. My garden doesn't start to look like that until August. Last year my tomatoes took over. This year they are getting trained to one stem only. The added bonus is I can train them up the fence and try a few new varieties.

    1. My garden also gets overgrown by August, but this year I might have given them too much nitrogen via bloodmeal. Everything is very green but have to wait for actual tomatoes. So far very few have formed though almost all plants split into multi stalks.

  3. Everything is looking great! It's too hot here to plant any more carrots. I'm going to try to get some beans planted this weekend. They are calling for rain, I hope it doesnt slide by my place, I need it bad! Although I hate spending the whole weekend inside.

    Enjoy your weekend.

    1. I think you can keep planting carrots regardless if it's hot or not all summer long. Hope you'll get your rain. It's finally dry here for few days so I'm enjoying it.

  4. Hi Jenny, Your garden is lovely. The entrance with the arbor is beautiful. I hope to get more carrots planted also! Nancy

    1. Thank you Nancy, my hubby build entire garden himself including design of the arbor so he get the credit for its beauty.

  5. Your garden looks great, great picture of the yellow rose. I like the first overall picture will all the tomato cages poking out of the jungle.

    1. Thank you Kris, I planted 7 rose bushes this spring around the garden and two are climbers, so this is first of the climbing ones in bloom. The other one is red. And those cages are quickly starting to drown in the jungle - two plants in there are already above the cages though it's hard to see from the picture. I'm starting to pull the potatoes that are close to the tomatoes just so I can get around them again :)

  6. What a great looking garden! I love the first picture that is an overview. And I love that you have such a beautiful entrance to your garden. And that the garden spills over outside the fence. :)

    1. THank you! I wanted to have a flower garden but can't use space inside so we added about 3 feet of space around to plant roses, grapes, blueberries, raspberries, all herbs and some other flowers like snapdragon, nasturtium, lavander and others. On the back end there are potatoes, fig, several dahlias and lilies planted - they're just starting to bloom.

  7. I love that little arbor and garden gate! Your garden is coming along wonderfully!

    1. thank you, my hubby was very good in building it :)
