
Lots of greens!

Looks like 90 degree weather that we had a week ago really sent a signal for greens to bolt because i spotted some signs of blooms and decided that it's easier to pull the greens out rather than waste them. There are many people in my office who will be very happy to take them off my hands tomorrow. I pulled only 4 romaine lettuce plants - there are several still remaining.
It came down to 1lb and 5.6 oz total weight.
Arugula also bolted so I yanked it all out and spend a good half an hour stripping all stems.
It wouldn't fit into one package so I had to split it into two separate ones - 15.2oz total.
Then I picked more strawberries, with large ones coming out of the newly planted areas - 14.9oz
And lastly here's most of my remaining spinach that was planted in may - it all bolted. I left a handful of plants that were not showing any bloom for salad but striped all the rest.
Also had to fit into two separate packages. I didn't want to blanch it - just store in fridge for couple of days and use over the weekend as my honey likes it in his meals as side dish - it came to 14.3oz


  1. Wow, you did have a lot of greens planted. Great job. Hopefully we can plant a fall planting this year.

    1. They are slowly coming to the end because once it gets hot salad gets bitter. I'll plant more in early fall.

  2. BTW, did you plant any cucumbers? If so, how are they doing?

    1. Yes, I have several cucumbers - marketplace and pickler. They are blooming!

  3. Lucky you to get a good harvest after that heat we had!

    That hot weather ruined most of my greens, lettuce and all of the spring spinach. It wasn't good for the snap and snow peas either :(

    1. When it got over 85 I covered my greens with white bedsheet to keep them cooler and kept watering in the morning to keep soil moist. Unfortunately my snow peas said bye-bye too. Snap peas are ok and blooming now. Shelling peas are struggling.

  4. Good harvest on your greens. My spinach bolted too but still eating some lettuces. Looks like it will be a long hot summer here. Nancy
