
Community Garden update

Just a quick look around at the Community garden plots. The one with tomatoes didn't come out right so i'm not posting overall shot and you'll see some details later on. Here we have a patch of pickler cucumbers in the middle and somewhere in between are eggplants. To the right are peppers and butternut squash on the back being trained to go on trellis and so ar resisting.
Up-close shot of one of the pepper plants - Carmen variety. I haven't tried it before so can't say if it's any good. Hopefully it is, because it's also very prolific. It's hard to see from overall shot but there are bushes that are covered in mini-peppers. This has fruit about 3" so far.
 Another item I'm watching very carefully - Indigo Rose cherry tomato. Supposed to be first true purple variety and you can see some of the purple hue developing on the plant. Can't wait to try it.
 Other tomatoes are doing pretty good, even if they're not very tall - about 3-4 feet at the moment. But they are all loaded with tomatoes. This I believe supposed to Cherokee Purple - looks pretty good.
 And there are several cherry tomatoes - this happens to be Yellow Pear. Soon will be ready to pick.
Next time I'll try to take more pictures but I was running late so had to hurry and just water it all before heat sets in tomorrow.


  1. Wow, everything is growing well! I'm sure those squash will catch on sooner or later.

    Can't wait to hear how those purple tomatoes taste. Make sure you save some seeds....if they aren't a hybrid.

    1. Robin - this is a new variety developed by Oregon State university. You can read about it here:
      I just want to see how it taste because I love purple varieties and the smoky taste of them so want to compare.

  2. Between your home garden and community garden, you must stay pretty busy. Looks good.

    1. Actually it slowed down considerably. Not that it's easy - still have to water it like this week it's going to be in 90's and next two weeks not a cloud on the prognosis so will water it daily. Once a week i spend an hour at the CG weeding but as you can see it's heavily mulched so weeds so far are not too bothersome. Home garden however is alot more work, but this weekend my sister is flying in so she'll help me around :)

    2. Yeah, I just know what all I put into my small home garden, and the thought of an additional community garden, don't know how you do it. Things do slow down in summer since we pretty much just water, weed, and harvest.

  3. I am growing indigo rose tomatoes too; it will be interesting to see how they taste and look. Mine are only just setting fruit.

    1. These are also just starting to set fruit so a long way to go. I kind of expected to see alot more tomatoes on the vine. Not sure why it's not so.
