
Community Garden update

Quick update on the community garden 3 weeks after I got my plots. Here it is from the main entrance - as you can see whole garden is not big and all plots are separated from each other only by string and steaks. Main path walk separates larger plots from side plots on the left.
 This is one of my plots with two rows of peppers, squash and beans on the back, cucumbers, eggplant and leeks in the middle and a row of tomatoes on the right next to my second plot.
some of the peppers even have first pepper fruit hanging on them.
 One of the tomato plants that I can't wait to try this year - Indigo Rose. Supposed to be first truly purple tomato variety. Thankfully it's blooming now and since it's a cherry I hope to have it to try.
 This is my second plot - mostly tomatoes. There are few green beans on the back and one cucumber plant trying to sneak back into the area. One tomato in second row had to be replanted after it died.
 Cucumber is full in bloom so hopefully will have some to give to the pantry.
 First tomatoes have also formed - this is San Marzano. There is also a Subarctic but I forgot to take a photo of it. Haven't tried either one so will be interesting to see how both will taste.
 And I have a new 3rd small plot just across my second one - row of peppers, squashes and beans. And some flowers on the very back to make it pretty. It's yet to be filled out because it's only been planted this week. Couple of people backed out of having plots so we all got one more to take care.


  1. Are you monopolizing all the plots in this 'community' garden? ;)

    1. Not at all. There are only 6 of us taking care of it so everyone has at least 2 plots. I have 3, but then most of the produce grown on these 3 plots are going to Food Pantry. Definitely all from 3rd plot - squashes, beans and peppers are going to feed hungry.

  2. Replies
    1. it will be great once all weeds are pulled and mulch is brought in - i just have to wait for these rainstorms to pass.

  3. Hi Jenny, It is so nice of you to grow food for the food pantry! I noticed dark spots on some of my sweet green pepper leaves. Would you happen to know what that would be? Your peppers look healthy! Nancy

    1. Nancy - do you have too much water in their containers? they don't like wet feet and splashed leafs and tend to get brown. Mine at home also starting to get brown spots because we've had way too many rains.
