Simple garden techniques described in details so anyone can easily follow through on their end while sharing ideas and pictures on how the garden is progressing through out the year.
Under lock & key
This morning my hubby had to put a lock on the new garden. Here's the reason why in the shot below. I found it last night and has been quite upset since.
I asked our neighbor if she seen anyone go into my garden and she doesn't think anyone from neighborhood would do any intentional damage. Her theory is that "it has to be birds". Well the birds were very selective. 7 tomato plants in various sides of the garden beds out of 31 had to be replaced today. I did get the message across that we've installed cameras pointed to the garden and put a lock on the doors. Hope this is the last time "birds" visit.
Jenny, how sad. I do hope the damage wasn't done by human hands, I'd like to think people have more respect for the property of others.
ReplyDeleteI hope you're right. Let's just say inocent until proven guilty and i hope that it won't be repeated.
DeleteIt's hard to tell from the pic but were they torn up into pieces or just cut off? I had 3 tomato plants that appeared to be cut off this year. I couldn't find cut worms, but did see Roly Polys eating the stems. Last year the roly polys took out my green beans.
ReplyDeletePeggi - top of the plant would not be half a foot away from the stem if it was insects. Some were inside the beds and some where thrown on the pathwalk.
DeleteI hope you're safe. You're precautions are helpful and comforting, I'm sure.
ReplyDeleteI just hope to be able to harvest something this year :)
DeleteI've seen plants snipped off from birds, but never a plant that large. It could be an animal though. Hopefully the lock will solve the problem it is a large "animal".
ReplyDelete7 tomato plants all over the garden? It's one very selective bird. I do hope it won't repeat.
DeleteCurious how that happened. I'd bet on birds or squirrels even. Do your cameras have motion detecting?
ReplyDeleteYes, the new camera is motion sensitive so I hope to find something. I also ordered more night lights to put around the garden so we can see better in the evening. I did not see any animal footprints like squirels and they'd be there after 2 days of rain ground was very soft.
DeleteI'm sorry to hear you are having even more obstacles to deal with. Keep us posted on what you find out!
ReplyDeleteThanks Lisa, I just hope not to deal with this again.
DeleteOh dear! I know some people just hang unworked cameras around, just to scare 2-legged away. Good Luck!
ReplyDeleteWell ours is fully functioning because I want to see who/what is damaging my garden!
DeleteSorry to hear about your problem. At least you have peace of mind with the cameras, I hope it is animals rather than human too. Do you have issues with vandalism where you live? Hang in there I know you have had a tough garden year so far.
ReplyDeleteThanks Kris, i hope it won't be an issue again and reall hope for garden to grow well again.