
Harvest Monday

First I want to take a moment to remember why we have Memorial Day - thank you to all veterans who protect us with their lives.

Another week full of greens - I had to pull quite a bit out of the bed because it got really hot very fast and many letuces decided to bolt - my arugula, spinach and bok choy all have been pulled out.
First baby beets and some of my kohlrabi was pulled as well and beets were roasted - YUMMY!
 I plucked more of the Romaine lettuces but left the core in to keep growing - 1 lb .4oz
And some more spinach - this is the last of the preseeded that I planted in March. There is a strip of spinach remains that was planted on 1st of May - 7.9oz picked.
Lettuce has been picked couple of times, first batch was 12.7 oz - mostly soft buttery lettuces.
And more was added later in a week as I was cleaning bed from snails and had to clear from under the cabbages and broccoli to give them more room to grow - 6.5oz picked.
First garlic scapes were picked today with some sideshoots of broccoli. I hope it's going to start growing garlic bulbs now.
Beets came up to only about 2.2 oz total after I removed green tops. I probably should have waited couple of weeks more but I really wanted to see the taste when it's roasted.
And Kolrabi bulbs came up to just about 8oz - not going to plant them next  year.
I can't wait to see some other harvests come this way - peas, beans, potatoes and maybe some cucumbers should start growing in few weeks.


  1. Nice harvest, Jenny! I'm hoping our hot weather holds off for a while, as I haven't yet had my fill of fresh spinach. Aren't those baby beets fabulous when they're roasted! It brings out the sweetness in them. I've planted more beets than usual this year, since I found how much I like them roasted.

    1. Granny - we went from 60 to 85 overnight and everything bolted. I also planted alot more beets this year so hope to enjoy them roasted as well more often in summer.

  2. Hi! You are harvesting a lot! Besides greens I will soon be harvesting peas! Yippee! I am bad and don't usually weigh my things. Maybe because I don't get enough to bother or maybe just lazy! lol So hot here for us! Nancy at Cozy Thyme Cottage

    1. Hi Nancy, you're ahead of us on peas - ours are only now starting to flower so no harvest yet and greens are on their way out.

  3. Everything looks yummy! well except maybe the beets, I don't like beets very much. LoL!

    1. Lisa - have you tried home grown golden beets? they're much better than regular, wonderful when roasted in salad, and no comparison to the store bought that taste like grass.

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  5. Alot of us were pulling bolted spinach this week. Did you not like the taste of the kohlrabi or were you dissappointed in the production level of the plants?

    1. I liked the taste of the Kohlrabi, but each plant took nearly 2 square feet of ground cover and produced only small bulb so I think I'll have to plant something else that's more productive.

  6. Oh wow, you had tons to harvest this week! My personal favorite were the sideshoots of broccoli. Just enough for a quick snack.

    1. I love sideshoots because they're small and just a perfect bite for me :)

  7. Hi Jenny, You suggested I saute my Pak Choi so I wanted to ask a couple questions about it. I grew up in a meat/potato/veggie family so am just learning about these things. Will Pak Choi grow in the heat of summer? Can I just keep cutting the leaves off and it will come back or will I eventually have to replant it? Thanks for your help. Nancy

    1. Hi Nancy,
      Pak Choi will bolt once it gets hot so it's not good to grow in summer. it's best when picked young and fresh or it will get woody and not good to eat. you can try planting more of it but now that it's summer time it probably won't grow as well. Plant more at the end of summer or fall.

  8. wow what a harvest. I always have trouble getting kolrabi to bulb up; I never seem to get my timing right. Might try them again this fall.

    1. thank you, i just wish it didn't take so much space. i'd rather plant more carrots in all that space and have them for winter.

  9. What an amazing harvest! Your beets look delicious! Congrats :-)

  10. Your greens look great. :) Big nice harvest.
