
Harvest Monday

Another Monday Harvest report via Daphne's circle. Here we have lot so of greens this week. Some were harvested during the week and some over the weekend. The first shot is the midweek harvest - lots of greens like swiss chard, asparagus, arugula, spinach, first broccoli and young onion and garlic. You'll see breakdown in weight later.
then mid-week I pulled some greens for dinner but forgot to weight it so you'll only get a picture of it and if you're interested in result scroll down to see the actual meal.

Here is some of the asparagus - about 3 oz of it. It hasn't been a very good year for the asparagus and I hope next one will be better.
Swiss chard - also 3 oz of it but it was very good and buttery. Will wait couple of weeks before pulling another batch of it
 Spinach was actually much better than I thought and i got full 7 oz of it. My hubby likes it so I'll have to keep planting it.
 The first of the broccoli - 3oz of it! Ok, so it's not very large or uniformed that you get in a store but I'm not complaining. I have several more coming up and this one was delish!
 More arugula was snipped - 4 oz of it. I've been eating it daily but now that it's getting really warm I think it will start to bolt so will probably pull it out and plant some more beans.
Two young green garlics and one green onion was pulled totaling in 4 oz in weight. Onion was one from the bed by the shed that was left over from last year's harvest and not the one planted in spring.  
This is the new harvest from Sunday - LOTS of bok choy and Pac Choy from hydroponic that needed to be pulled, and some more parsley.
 And also sniped alot of romaine lettuce leafs and more arugula.
 Bok Choy was about 12 oz in weight - some of it will be frozen for later.
 Parsley and arugula totaled at 8 oz together.
 Pac Choy was at 11 oz in weight and will be used in stir fry tomorrow.
Romaine Lettuce was at  10 oz in weight and part of it will be given away and part eaten in salad.
So not a bad week in harvest. We have total of 65 oz or 4.06 lbs for the week. Makes me happy :)


  1. Great job. Wish my spinach would have done something this year.

    1. Thank you! I still hope to pick some more spinach this week before it gets too hot and bolts.

  2. wow you have tons of lovely greens. Too hot for mine now, except the chard, that seems to do well no matter the weather.

    1. Thank you, and it's only now getting warm enough with this weekend in high 70's but week is back to 60s so I hope for a bit more greens next week too.

  3. Look at all those healthy looking greens! YUM!

  4. You had an incredibly green harvest this week!

    1. Thank you, I hope for some slash of color soon so it's not just green :) really wish I had peas as big as yours so I can start harvesting them but they're just about a foot tall so long way to go before any bloom.

  5. Those small harvests of asparagus must be all the more delicious because they are so few! Lovely greens!

    1. Thank you and I love fresh asparagus! I plated dozen more plants this spring in the new garden so in couple of years I hope for a good harvest :)
