
Frost damage

Last night we had hard frost and I tried to protect some of the plants but you can't protect everything. Some damage is obvious like on the leafs of potatoes that peaked from their layers of hay.
Looks like wind helped move it a bit around so some areas are more damaged than others. But most of them were under hay and straw so they'll be ok. And then there are grapes that look a bit wilted and blueberries dropped flowers. Will they have fruit this year? I don't know. And in my old garden something else is at work - decimating my baby greens. My poor baby choi are all ravaged and I have no idea what did this damage.
I'm used to seeing damage from slugs but it's too early for them and I haven't found any slime around so it's not likely slug-work. Will have to do some research.  And more frost warning for us tonight and tomorrow night. What a joy. Not a very happy camper today.


  1. We also had a frost last night and they are predicting tonight and I think tomorrow night too. Sorry to here about the damage. We had several gardeners at the plots (newbies) that put in tomatoes and peppers. Needless to say, they are all dead. They didn't even cover them.

    I have no idea what is eating your choi. I had slugs in the cold frames all winter until I uncovered them sometime in February. I have found a few recently. So, maybe it is slugs.

    1. Yes we'll have two more nights of frost but then I think we should be in the clear for the year. Next 10 days showing 70 so I hope to plant my beans and tomatoes but not peppers yet - those will go in mid-May. At least tomatoes can be covered for the night if it gets below 50 but they should be ok.

  2. I have the same holes in my Pak Choi. I figured it was slugs but I found a little green caterpillar on one of the leaves tonight. I think was a cabbage moth caterpillar.

    1. I'll look again tomorrow but I didn't see caterpillars. It might be leafminer from what Daphne described on her spinach so I'll have to do closer inspection.

  3. Jenny, sorry to hear about your frost damage. I've dodged the bullet this week and hopefully this morning was the last time in the 30's.

    The cabbage whites have been out and about here for weeks. My Thai greens do have some damage just like yours. I'll gladly sacrifice them if it means my cabbage will remain unscathed. Did you know that red cabbage and purple greens are not bothered by cabbage worms? The moths evolved to see only green!!!

  4. I think we're in for one more night of frost and then it's into 70's so I hope it's the last for this year. My cabbage is not damaged and so far damage is only in one bed only, so I will yank them out today and plant more carrots instead. And I'm placing order for row covers :)

  5. Yep, that potato leaf looks about right. ;)
