
Garden update on expansion

Just a short update on what's going on with our garden expansion - my hubby ordered wood for boxes last week and it arived on Friday so he's been busy measuring, cutting and building my garden boxes. It's not a small job considering how many and how large these boxes are but he's up for a challenge. Almost completed as you can see on the picture. He still has to do some joints in the middle and then add supports to keep sides from "bowing" out under presure from dirt. And speaking of dirt, I'm yet to find a place where it's not going to cost us an arm and a leg for it :( So far this has been one very expensive project since I did not want to use treated wood and we went with ceder 8" and 10" wide - which is not cheap by any means. For dirt I want to go with 2/3 of top soil and 1/3 compost. Hopefully it will be a good mix. Of course there are still posts to be installed for fencing and to line up bottom from groundhogs but it's a good start! I do hope it can be completed in next couple of weeks as spring planting is almost on us and I'm ready with my seedlings! They are doing pretty good, some died off but that was expected of course. As you can see I have my cold-weathered veggies and greens almost ready to go outside. And here are the herb mix that is doing just fine. Thyme is doing best of them all so far. I also started next batch of cold-loving greens as well. They are a bit leggy but it's ok, they'll be fine at the end.
And I do have a new addition that I did not mention before - my kafir lime tree! My sister sent it to me for christmas present but since I wasn't sure if it would survive I didn't want to take any pictures or mention it just yet. But it's been doin good, droped off some leaves at first but then new growth started coming out and it's bright and green. Hopefully in couple of years I might even have a lime!


  1. The new bed layout looks GREAT! It will be a beautiful garden. :)

    1. Thank you, I can't wait to see it all comleted and in bloom!

  2. Loving the new layout. A nice blend of visual architecture and utilitarian functionality. Looking forward to its filling out. :) Good job. - Cloud

    1. Thank you, I hope it looks good once it's all completed. It's a bit hard to really see details because I took picture from 2nd floor window to get the full garden layout. those long beds in the middle are 21 foot so that gives you idea of what it will be at the end. Of course outer edge, fencing and flowers will be surrounding it as well. Can't wait :)

    2. I didn't get the sense of the overall size earlier. It is great to see a sizable garden upgrade!

  3. Looks like I am not the only one with expansion in the works. :)
    Your expansion looks great and I like your layout and how the boxes are not just rectangles. I know the cedar is expensive, but I think you made a smart decision. I used 2x6 cedar for my boxes and I have been very happy with it. It is worth the extra cost to not have to worry. I know people say pressure treated is fine, but why take the chance.

    1. Yes, we're also expanding but I still don't think I'll have area for corn. Our first priority is to grow what can be saved for winter and used through the year and corn sadly is not on that list :(
      I did think about pressure treated but also got feedback that it tends to rot faster and cedar tends to hold well. I guess time will tell. For now focusing on just finishing it hopefully on time for spring planting season.

  4. Looking great! I feel your pain about the costs of the wood and soil. But I'm trying to think of it as an investment. After the firt year you'll only need to add more compost and even that will be less than the first year. Also more plants equals more green matter to add to the compost bin for next year. ;)
