
Coldframe surprise

Yesterday I went to check on my garden, toss out leftovers into compost bin and also checked on my two cold frame boxes. Now they are experimental and I didn't really plant anything into them yet as my hubby build them late in October and by then ground was pretty frozen. Besides, the frame itself was not quite the way it should be - sides were high and made of wood so very little sun actually got through. I was going to ask my hubby to redo it but thought to wait until spring. But I didn't realize that some of the seeds that I used in summer did not wake up on time so when I thought frames were empty in reality they've been producing.
I guess some of my lettuce decided that frame provided enough warm air and started growing. Not much of it of course but then it wasn't exactly seeded to grow - it's a leftover from summer. And on another side of the same box I found some bok choy - also left overs. They're not in great shape but pull back old leafs and you'll get a few good shoots for stirfry.
And in another frame self-seeded parsley woke up! I mean self-seeded because there was a parsley patch before that I picked and dried for winter but I guess some seeds spread anyway so they started growing and one of the older plants came back to life as well. Unexpected but always welcome as I use alot of parsley in cooking.
Actually I'm surprised that anything grew at all since the coldframe was closed and I didn't bother watering or doing anything else and grown was bone dry. And yet these little buggers still made it through most of the winter. I guess you can call it first harvest of the year :)


  1. Isn't it fun to find surprises like that! Now you have some ideas for doing great things on purpose~

  2. beautiful parsley! what an awesome surprise!

  3. Love garden surprises, I am sure you enjoyed your harvest.

  4. I love surprises in the garden! I'm hoping I will find some surprise potatoes! ;) Or maybe some carrots!

  5. Lisa - I have some very good varieties of seeds that would do well in your area, do you want some to try? Purple carrots and fabulous melons too :)
