
Love warmer weather!

Finally weather is cooperating and is warm enough for my garden to start producing some greens. I know I'm being impatient but it's just so much better to eat your own veggies so that if I had a choice I'd grow them year round. But alas, with heavy winter it's not possible. However now that it's finally warm everything started to grow faster. Bleeding Heart was planted last year and it makes very lovely and colorful border for my garden.

Potatoes also awake and had to be tilled for the first time this weekend. I also came up to an agreement with local CSA that I'll help them with weeding/picking during spring and in summer in exchange for letting me plant some of my own potatoes and squashes. Works for both of us!

Broccoli is starting to form so in about 3 or 4 weeks we'll have our own to pick and for my honey to eat. He loves his broccoli! Plus I already have new round of seedlings going as replacement.

and just look at all those strawberries blooming! we'll be swimming in them this summer. But at least I know my honey will enjoy picking them and eating right on the spot :)

There are of course plenty more growing but it would take whole lot more pictures to show everything. In a word of two syllables - LOVE IT!