
"I have no space"

That's the first and most common excuse when it comes to not having garden - I have no space for a garden. Ok, so you don't have space for a traditional garden. How about using space that you do have for some irregular planting. Let's pretend that my fenced garden doesn't exist. I still have my container garden on the patio that's surrounded by azaleas and rhododendron bushes. But there is space UNDER those bushes and around them. So I used them.
This is rhubarb that I planted on both sides of the patio steps to the back yard and some Hyacinth bulbs. With it mixed some green peas. Will they produce anything? Don't know. We'll find out but for now they're alive and kicking (I mean growing). Hyacinths finished blooming right in time for rhubarb started spreading high and wide so it's a good combination. Next spring they will bloom again. Place has bad soil, lots of rocks but it still produces something. In the fall I'll add compost to help with the soil quality.
These are my peas and beans - I threw some seeds on the ground between azaleas bushes and some other green bush and they took. Seem to be ok so far. I just covered them with a netting to protect from deer and they're growing. Hopefully they might even give me some green and yellow wax beans this summer. Once again, very little space but it's still used.

And here is a make-shift bed that was kind of an afterthought. We had some dirt left over from the pile that was delivered in a truck and dumped by the big evergreen tree. After using what we could in the raised beds we didn't want to shovel all this extra and haul it somewhere else so we made a quick bed - leveled it on the sides and top and planted few things. There are few cucumber plants mixed with sunflowers, few potatoes to the right side and farther inside the picture are garlic and onions.
As you can see my garlic is almost hidden by the tree yet it still grows. Bad heavy soil, rocks and no food but it's growing. And I hope to use it soon. And what about space along the sides of your house? On the side that I have my garden, actually between my garden and walls I have space to walk around. I also had some ground cover greens. We made few holes in that cover along the wall and planted some blueberry bushes.
They're not taking whole lot of space but they'll grow and produce some berries. I didn't expect them this year but apparently they have mind of their own so I'm not going to argue. Though I'm really looking forward to next year when they're fully grow into the spot and won't suffer from shock of being transplanted. Once again they covered with netting to protect from animals and birds.
So you see, you can always find space. Be it in the hanging planters, small pots and container garden or anywhere else where you can put some dirt and seeds. You just have to "want" to find it.

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